Trailing Slash

Introduction: The seemingly small detail of whether to include a trailing slash ("/") at the end of a URL can have a significant impact on both SEO and web development. In this exploration, we delve into the nuances of trailing slashes, their implications for search engine optimization (SEO), and best practices in web development.
Understanding Trailing Slashes: A trailing slash is the forward slash that appears at the end of a URL, like "" While some URLs end with this slash, others omit it, leading to a debate within the web development community about its necessity and impact.
SEO Considerations:
Web Development Best Practices:
Common Myths and Misconceptions:
Conclusion: In the intricate dance between SEO and web development, the inclusion or exclusion of trailing slashes emerges as a nuanced decision. By understanding the SEO implications, implementing best practices in web development, and dispelling common myths, you can navigate the trailing slash debate with confidence. Consistency and clarity in your URL structure not only contribute to SEO success but also enhance the overall user experience on your website.
Added trailingSlash.js in middleware and define it in nuxt.config.js
      export default function ({ route, redirect }) {
  if (
  ) {
    return redirect(301, route.path + '/')
      router: {
    prefetchLinks: false,
    middleware: ['trailingSlash'],